By Dr. Abdul Hai Madni
The "Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam" called by Muslims everywhere as "Qadianism" was established, in 1889, by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (1835 - 1908) in a small Punjabi village of India. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's family was in the service of the British colonial powers and, to his dying days, Mirza Ghulam openly declared his allegiance to the British imperialism. In fact, the culmination of his service to foreign power was his declaration that resistance to oppressors (Jihad) as ordained in the Holy Quran by God had become unIslamic!
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's life was laden with contradictory and anti-Islamic claims. In 1880, he declared himself to be only a muslim writer; in 1885, he announced he was a revivalist (Mujaddid); in 1891, he claimed to be the Promised Mehdi and the Promised Messiah; and in 1901, he pronounced himself a prophet of God! Facing an open and strong opposition by Muslim Scholars and religious leaders for this blasphemous declaration and other teachings which belittled Jesus Christ and contradicted the Quranic revelations, he also announced that he was the second and improved coming of the Prophet Muhammad with authority to reinterpret the Holy Quran at his pleasure! Not happy with mere prophethood, in 1904, he declared himself the Krishna (the Hindu Lord). Obviously, like an unethical modern-day politician, he was trying to appeal to all uneducated segments of the public in India!
The Christians and Muslims also, each according to the understanding of Messiahship within their own religious tradition, are awaiting Jesus' miraculous reappearance from the Heaven. Therefore the terrain is fertile for the emergence of all kinds of false prophets and spiritual teachers.
Mirza Ghulam A.Qadiani (Mirza) is one of this century's self-proclaimed Messiahs. During his life he converted thousands of people to his religion known as Ahmadiyyat / Qadianiat. His followers are likewise known as Ahmadis, Qadianis, Mirzais and Lahoris. Mirza proclaimed himself as the Promised Messiah and prophet of God. He has confused people about the nature of Prophethood and he has confused people about Jesus. After Mirza declared himself to be the Promised Messiah, grave difficulties confronted him in validating a claim rendered spurious by his not fitting Jesus' foretold description. He therefore resorted to first denying the miraculous reappearance of Jesus by suggesting a hitherto unknown history, according to which Jesus fled to Kashmir after escaping the scene of his alleged crucifixion, where after hiding for many years he died and now lies buried in Kashmir. By fabricating this story Mirza tried to remove Jesus from the scene, but the problem still remained that the Promised Messiah was to be no other than Jesus, son of Mary. This wrinkle was ironed out by Mirza as follows:"God named me Mary in the third volume of Barahin-i-Ahmadiyyah. I was nurtured for a period of two years in a Mary-like conditioned was bought up in a womanly seclusion. Then the spirit of Jesus was breathed into me just as (it was breathed) into Mary. Thus I was considered to be pregnant in a metaphorical manner. After a period of several months, not more than ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary by the revelation embodied in the last parts of the forth volume of Barahin-I-Ahmadiyyah; and thus I became Jesus, son of Mary. But God did not inform me about this secret during the time of Barahin-i-Ahmadiyyah". ashti-I-Nuh: Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 19, p.50
Mirza's future claims of being the recipient of Devine revelations became an easy matter after this marvellous act of jugglery. He could now assert:
I swear by God in whose hands my soul is that it is He Who has sent me and has named me a Prophet; it is He Who has called me the Promised Messiah and has shown big signs to testify me; these signs reach three hundred thousand. Haqiqat al-Wahi: Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 22, p.503
Fortunately, the Almighty Allah time and time again, exposed Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's falsehood through his own statements and so-called prophecies. Even many of his own family members were aware of his treachery and openly opposed his anti-Islamic teachings. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani finally died by intervention of the Almighty Allah and as the result of religious prayer challenges (Mubahala), in 1908.
Since the death of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, his heirs the leaders of the Qadiani organization have been extremely busy trying to clean up his image. Backed by seemingly unlimited support they receive from their anti-Muslim allies, they have been promoting falsehood and deception through the media. They have even resorted to removing some of most controversial writings of Qadiani leadership which had become a source of embarrassment to them from circulation. Their partial English translation of their original text has been heavily edited to exclude all controversial and anti-Islamic sayings of their cult leaders. Obviously, they themselves realize the true nature of their "Ahmadiyya Mission".
The goal of the "Ahmadiyya Mission" is, and has always been, to confuse uninformed Muslims, divide the Ummah, prevent resistance to oppressors (Jihad), and provide an alternative to non-Muslims who find the message of Islam appealing. Quite cunningly, they do so by using Islamic terminology and teachings, and hiding the controversial writings of their founders.
According to the tenet of their faith, the Qadianis (Ahmadis) are required to study, accept, and follow the works, "revelations" (wahi), and writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani. In his books, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani makes the claim that he is in direct communication with God and ordains it upon his followers to believe in "Islam" according to his revelations. Here some of the differences between Qadianis (Ahmadis) and Muslims. It should be obvious that most of the beliefs instructed by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani contradict verses of the Holy Quran not to mention hundreds of authentic Hadith and Islamic doctrine. It is unfortunate that many of the people who have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) are unaware of this aspect of the Qadiani (Ahmadi) doctrine. Since the rituals of Qadianism resembles that of Islam and much of their terminology is stolen from Islam, many Qadianis are under the impression that they are following an Islamic school of thought. They continue to blindly send their donations to the Qadiani (Ahmadi) leadership thinking they are supporting Islam, when in reality they are helping a non Islamic cult. For the most part, the followers of Qadianism neither have a good grasp of Islam nor have access to the complete writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani which are mostly written in Urdu and are not aware of his various claims. ( To be continued InshaALLAH )
The "Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam" called by Muslims everywhere as "Qadianism" was established, in 1889, by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (1835 - 1908) in a small Punjabi village of India. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's family was in the service of the British colonial powers and, to his dying days, Mirza Ghulam openly declared his allegiance to the British imperialism. In fact, the culmination of his service to foreign power was his declaration that resistance to oppressors (Jihad) as ordained in the Holy Quran by God had become unIslamic!
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's life was laden with contradictory and anti-Islamic claims. In 1880, he declared himself to be only a muslim writer; in 1885, he announced he was a revivalist (Mujaddid); in 1891, he claimed to be the Promised Mehdi and the Promised Messiah; and in 1901, he pronounced himself a prophet of God! Facing an open and strong opposition by Muslim Scholars and religious leaders for this blasphemous declaration and other teachings which belittled Jesus Christ and contradicted the Quranic revelations, he also announced that he was the second and improved coming of the Prophet Muhammad with authority to reinterpret the Holy Quran at his pleasure! Not happy with mere prophethood, in 1904, he declared himself the Krishna (the Hindu Lord). Obviously, like an unethical modern-day politician, he was trying to appeal to all uneducated segments of the public in India!
The Christians and Muslims also, each according to the understanding of Messiahship within their own religious tradition, are awaiting Jesus' miraculous reappearance from the Heaven. Therefore the terrain is fertile for the emergence of all kinds of false prophets and spiritual teachers.
Mirza Ghulam A.Qadiani (Mirza) is one of this century's self-proclaimed Messiahs. During his life he converted thousands of people to his religion known as Ahmadiyyat / Qadianiat. His followers are likewise known as Ahmadis, Qadianis, Mirzais and Lahoris. Mirza proclaimed himself as the Promised Messiah and prophet of God. He has confused people about the nature of Prophethood and he has confused people about Jesus. After Mirza declared himself to be the Promised Messiah, grave difficulties confronted him in validating a claim rendered spurious by his not fitting Jesus' foretold description. He therefore resorted to first denying the miraculous reappearance of Jesus by suggesting a hitherto unknown history, according to which Jesus fled to Kashmir after escaping the scene of his alleged crucifixion, where after hiding for many years he died and now lies buried in Kashmir. By fabricating this story Mirza tried to remove Jesus from the scene, but the problem still remained that the Promised Messiah was to be no other than Jesus, son of Mary. This wrinkle was ironed out by Mirza as follows:"God named me Mary in the third volume of Barahin-i-Ahmadiyyah. I was nurtured for a period of two years in a Mary-like conditioned was bought up in a womanly seclusion. Then the spirit of Jesus was breathed into me just as (it was breathed) into Mary. Thus I was considered to be pregnant in a metaphorical manner. After a period of several months, not more than ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary by the revelation embodied in the last parts of the forth volume of Barahin-I-Ahmadiyyah; and thus I became Jesus, son of Mary. But God did not inform me about this secret during the time of Barahin-i-Ahmadiyyah". ashti-I-Nuh: Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 19, p.50
Mirza's future claims of being the recipient of Devine revelations became an easy matter after this marvellous act of jugglery. He could now assert:
I swear by God in whose hands my soul is that it is He Who has sent me and has named me a Prophet; it is He Who has called me the Promised Messiah and has shown big signs to testify me; these signs reach three hundred thousand. Haqiqat al-Wahi: Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 22, p.503
Fortunately, the Almighty Allah time and time again, exposed Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's falsehood through his own statements and so-called prophecies. Even many of his own family members were aware of his treachery and openly opposed his anti-Islamic teachings. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani finally died by intervention of the Almighty Allah and as the result of religious prayer challenges (Mubahala), in 1908.
Since the death of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, his heirs the leaders of the Qadiani organization have been extremely busy trying to clean up his image. Backed by seemingly unlimited support they receive from their anti-Muslim allies, they have been promoting falsehood and deception through the media. They have even resorted to removing some of most controversial writings of Qadiani leadership which had become a source of embarrassment to them from circulation. Their partial English translation of their original text has been heavily edited to exclude all controversial and anti-Islamic sayings of their cult leaders. Obviously, they themselves realize the true nature of their "Ahmadiyya Mission".
The goal of the "Ahmadiyya Mission" is, and has always been, to confuse uninformed Muslims, divide the Ummah, prevent resistance to oppressors (Jihad), and provide an alternative to non-Muslims who find the message of Islam appealing. Quite cunningly, they do so by using Islamic terminology and teachings, and hiding the controversial writings of their founders.
According to the tenet of their faith, the Qadianis (Ahmadis) are required to study, accept, and follow the works, "revelations" (wahi), and writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani. In his books, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani makes the claim that he is in direct communication with God and ordains it upon his followers to believe in "Islam" according to his revelations. Here some of the differences between Qadianis (Ahmadis) and Muslims. It should be obvious that most of the beliefs instructed by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani contradict verses of the Holy Quran not to mention hundreds of authentic Hadith and Islamic doctrine. It is unfortunate that many of the people who have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) are unaware of this aspect of the Qadiani (Ahmadi) doctrine. Since the rituals of Qadianism resembles that of Islam and much of their terminology is stolen from Islam, many Qadianis are under the impression that they are following an Islamic school of thought. They continue to blindly send their donations to the Qadiani (Ahmadi) leadership thinking they are supporting Islam, when in reality they are helping a non Islamic cult. For the most part, the followers of Qadianism neither have a good grasp of Islam nor have access to the complete writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani which are mostly written in Urdu and are not aware of his various claims. ( To be continued InshaALLAH )