Thursday, August 13, 2009


From: Abdur Raheem Naik

Muslims are bound to follow all the rules of Almighty Allah as a result the formula of life for a Muslim is niah (intention) action like what he thinks with the permission of Allah only he is permitted to act or do. it means every individual in islam is aware that he is obsesred by his Lord Allah and so he can not cheat the lord thus he automatically becomes a man of faith in order to lead an islamic life He starts every single act in his life with the name of Allah (Bissimillah).

Islam is peace and every Muslim has to represent the peace, create peace within and spread peace to others. In Islamic life; every Muslim interact with other fellow human by the beautiful Islamic greeting of "Assalamu Alaikum", it means peace be upon you o fellow human. Iam your well wisher, I respect your peaceful life, Iam always there for you to be always in peace, I shall never harm you by any means physically, mentally, socially, or economically, this is the real message of Islamic sociology. Actually there's no history of "Hello" or Hi, etc, except "Assalam u Alaikum" this is the best greeting for a man. A Muslim is an obedient servant of Allah, it means one who has submitted his wish and will for Allah Almighty. Every human is created with a desire that may be positive or Negative but a Muslim is actually one who conquers his negative desire for the obedience to the laws of Allah where all the negative things are separated from the positive things all the good things when an individual thinks the methodology to establish peace few questions are very common: What should I do to achieve peace and where is peace? How to spread peace all over the world? What is peace? What is the farmula of peace? His research no doubt will lead him to Islam that is the way of life given by Allah. So a peace loving man will be proud to be a "Muslim". The beauty of Islam is not in the colour of body or dress but it is in the "Heart" of a believer who obeys his creator and is proud to be an obedient servant of Allah. Thus his personality becomes the fragrance of Islam. A Muslim is one who has submitted his wish and will for only Allah and His messenger. Allah Almight created us and He has the complete authority upon us and don't have any authority as Allah Almighty has stated in the Holy Qura'n: Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of paradise) (9:111)
The meaning of obedience is neither partial nor as we wish or left to our choice but it according to Allah's laws and regulations as Allah most Merciful and compassionate. Divinely given way of life is so perfact and straight that it will lead us to the perfact victory and desting as a discipline of life, Allah Almighty says; "It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about their decision: If any one disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path (Al-Ahzab: 36)
Islam is obedience it is not an identity of any ethnic group or nation but an individual submission both physically and spiritually to the lord of the universe. Allah says: "And those who strive in our (cause) WO will certainly guide them to our path for verily Allah is with those who do right." (29:69)
A Mumin is mobile carrier of divine judiciary since his birth until his death and it is not a national identity but a unique from of spiritual indentity where one submits the whole to the lord with his self and conscience and holds a passport of spiritual nationality of the world Allah Almighty says: "And your creation and your resurection is in no wise but as an individual soul; for Allah is He who hears and sees (all things) (28-31).
off course knowledge is the vehicle of success but the knowledge must earn with devine purpose without devine blessing the knowledge is not beneficial as we know when Allah Almighty prescribed upon us to educate ourselves in the first chapter of Holy Qura'n Iqra or Read, Bismi Robbika, in th name of your Allah it means knowledge is started in the name of Allah or with permission of Allah which is blessed and knowledge without the blessing of Allah is prohibited.
A Muslim should be a Mumin ( Believer) today almost every Muslim acquires Islamic knowledge but the main cause of failure of an individual in the islamic world today is the lack of "Thazkiyah" which means purification without purifying the soul the man can never achieve the wisdom of faith. Allah Almighty says: "Truely he succeeds that purifies it, and he fails that corrupts it" (91:9-10)
A Muslim in his daily life has to observe his every act both physical and spiritual because Muslims are believers and have to lead their life in order to please Allah. Thus our entire life becomes meaningful if spent in order to please Allah. This victory is only achievable through total submission to shariah without any question or exception. Allah Almighty says:
“But whoever changes from faith to unbelief, has strayed without doubt from the even way." (2:108)
Muslims have to lead the life within the context of our (Deen) and hold steadfast to the tradition of the Proghet (ﷺ) success of one’s life actually lies in his own hands.
Allah says: "Say O men; now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss:" (10:108)
In today's life Muslims have to be extra cautious in their movements as everywhere they confront satanic traditions and life style so they have to strictly adhere to sunnah of the prophet (ﷺ) because the failure and victory depends to the individual, Islam is a practical religion and is very easy to follow, Allah Almighty says: "And has imposed no difficulties on you in religion." (22:78)
We are very happy to be Muslims to get every kind of merit in our religion from Allah. Every Muslim has to struggle and hard work to be a true Muslim in this confused world where truth and false is mixed and corruption is the motto of developing nations. The only remedy for this disease and to protect the world is to create individuals who remember Allah and are Allah fearing.
Allah Says: "Is one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam, So that he has received enlightenment from Allah. Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of Allah! They are manifestly wandering in error." [39:32]
A secular man is blind and ant reaches his destination, is in the darkness of wordly affairs which will make him a personal of double standards, Allah Says:
“But whosover turns away from my message verily for him is a life narrowed down and we shall raise him up blind on the Day of judgement." [20:124]
The secular man [there is no room in Islam for a secular man] is always happy with his all deeds as he believes in his own desire and not in Allah's given laws. Allah Almighty Says: "Sees thou such a one as takes for his god his own passion [or impulse;]" (25:43)
Thus this secular man becomes the follower of Satan, Allah Says:
“Satan has made their deeds seem pleasing in their eyes, and has kept them away from the path, so they receive no guidance." (27:24)
Hence every Muslim has to do a postmortem of his daily life to reform and to remain steadfast to his faith in Islam. Just acquiring knowledge for the sake of gaining a degree or certificate is not the intention of education in Islam but to live as a Noble servant of Allah Almighty and also to recognize who are our enemy and friend.
Allah Almighty Says: “Then see you such a one as takes as his god his own vain desire? Allah has knowing [him as such] left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart and (understanding) and put a cover on his sight. Who then will guide him after Allah (has with drawn guidance)? Will you not then receive admonition? [45:23]
Islam is a universal religion revealed to establish peace and harmony on earth and is based on a divine purpose where the methodology of life is established with Allah fearing rememberance as it will save the individual from falling into the trap of Satan. Islamic life is with meaningful goal and destination in this world by life. We have a mission after we finish our mission we have to return to our creator. So every Muslim has to spend his life only to please Allah Almighty and there will not be any second chance in our life for us. Allah Almighty says: - " It will also be said: this day we will forget you as you forget the meeting of this Day of yours! And yours abode is the fire, and no helpers have you this because you used to take the signs of Allah in jest and the life of the world deceived you: [from] that Day, therefore, they shall not be taken out thence, nor can they make amends.'' (45:34-35)
Let us remember that everyday we pass by are recorded and are brought to the court of Allah, in front of the judge of the day of judgement Allah Almighty warned us not to fall into the trap of Satan:
"O you who belive! Follow not Satan’s foot steps: if any will follow the foots of Satan, he will [but] commond what is shameful and wrong''. (An, Nur: 21)
Let us suplicate to Allah to be enrolled among the noble servants of Allah who obey Allah in secret and in public and walk on the earth with the unique identily of Divine wisdom by the establishment of divine diplomatic sociology of Islam.
The Quran says: - “And the servants of Allah Most gracious are those who walk on the earth in Humality, and when the ignorant address them they say peace “(25:63)
My brothers try to be such kind of people for whom Allah tells us. How can we be like them? To fulfiling the commandments of Allah.
Realy we don't know how time is passing suddenly the judgement day will be fallen and we will be busy in the affairs of the world. Being a Muslim it is your right to learn Islam and thank Allah the lord of the worlds. Try to come out from world affairs that you will be blessed. Ameen

آپ کے اشتہارات

السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ
محترم قاری!
اب آپ اسوۂ حسنہ کی سائیٹ کے ذریعے اپنے کاروبار کو وسعت دے سکتے ہیں۔
تو ابھی رابطہ کیجئے

اسوۂ حسنہ کا ساتھ دیں

ماہ صفر

آپ کو اسوۂ حسنہ کی نئی سائیٹ کیسی لگی؟